Returning to Jackson, Mississippi 1875

Adapted from a popular pattern book, the Manship Residence in Jackson, Mississippi was completed in 1857 as a Gothic country house, and the current renovation aims to bring it back to the original condition. Besides the floor-length windows and the pointed gothic doorways that distinguish this residence, what is so interesting is seeing his whole family outside the house in the picture from 1888.

Compare the images from the pattern book written by Andrew Jackson Downing and the actual house as realized in a southern climate. Excerpts from the pages are sometimes comical in modern terms, but also true to the mark regarding some of the more universal truths about art and design and The Architecture of Country Houses. Download a free copy of text and images from the book (tablet or desktop computers) from links at the bottom of the article, and view historic images of The Manship House.

The chimneys were recently reconstructed and a new cedar shingle roof was installed.